Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5. 

We have three classes in Year 5;

  • Sycamore class with Mrs Greene
  • Rowan class with Mrs Brown 
  • Willow class with Mr Allwood

The Curriculum 

Each term we have a topic or theme that we focus our learning around. 

This term our topic is: The Space We Are In.

We also study a range of books and genres to extend the children’s knowledge and vocabulary. During the year we will have visitors in and visits out of school that enhance and broaden the children’s learning and interests. We will also have opportunities for parents to attend assemblies, workshops, events, and parents’ evenings.  Please see the curriculum overview document below.   

Reading Books 

In Year 5 we have a big focus on reading. All children will be issued with a school reading book which teachers will have matched to their reading ability. They will need this in school everyday and it can be taken home to read too. We will have a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ session every day. During this time, staff will hear children read and talk to them about the book. Children should be reading at home every day too either on their own or with an adult. As children become more fluent readers, they might choose to spend more time reading independently, but we encourage them still read with an adult some of the time too. All children should also have a school library book too. They will visit the library at least once a week. In Year 5, we visit the library every Tuesday afternoon. Please help us by checking that children have their library book with them to return and change. . 


Rowan will have PE on Wednesday and Friday. 

Sycamore will have PE on Wednesday and Thursday.

Willow will have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday.

A reminder that children should be in Orchard PE Kit. This consists of a red PE Top and shorts or navy tracksuit bottoms and shouldn't just be PE general sports wear. Please also ensure children do not have earrings in for PE days as they are not allowed to be worn for PE lessons.


Year 5 Homework will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. It will consist of a Maths Key Skills sheet, which is designed to help build fluency with core maths skills. We will send home some spelling and grammar tasks to complete and encourage children to spend time everyday reading. If children need help with their homework, then we offer support on a Tuesday lunchtime.


Please ensure that your child has their named book bag and named water bottle (water only) in school every day and that your child’s uniform is also named. Please check your child’s book bag each day, as notes or messages from the day are often sent this way. We also ask that you check your Arbor account regularly for any whole school communication.

If you have any questions, please talk to either your child’s class teacher, the Year Leader Mr Allwood or contact the school office. 

Useful websites for Year 5

Sumdog - Personalised maths and spelling practice that children love!

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)

Year 5 Maths - BBC Bitesize

Year 5 maths questions at MyMiniMaths#

Oak National Academy - Year 5 Maths

Year 5 English - BBC Bitesize

Oak National Academy - Spelling

Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - The Science of Spelling

Online Spelling Games for Kids – Interactive Vocabulary Activities (spellingcity.com)

English Spelling Games and Activities (primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk)

Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press

Anglo-Saxons: facts for kids | National Geographic Kids (natgeokids.com)

Anglo-Saxons - KS2 History - BBC Bitesize

Anglo Saxon Websites (primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk)

Visit resource: Anglo-Saxons | British Museum


KS2 Spanish free game - Learn Spanish language vocabulary and grammar - Dash and Blink primary school game - BBC Bitesize


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To get in touch with Orchard Academy please click on the link below, or call us on 01908 735882

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