Welcome to Year 4
We are happy and excited to welcome you back after the summer holidays. We have three classes in Year 4:
- Beech class with Mrs Hathalia
- Hazel class with Mrs Shahzad
- Poplar class with Miss Orimolade
We also have Miss Roberts and Miss Mahari supporting across the three classes.
The Curriculum
Each term we have a topic or theme that we focus our learning around.
Reading Books
In Year 4 we have a big focus on reading, your child will have a daily reading lesson and reading for pleasure lesson which includes reading regularly with an adult. In Year 4, we expect your child to read at least 5 times a week for a minimum of twenty minutes during school. Your child will be getting two different types of reading books. One book will be a book that is matched to their reading ability and the other is a library book or free choice book. Your child might not be able to read this book, but it is a great book to share together. Books can be changed any day. Reading at home with your child is extremely important and you should aim to listen to your child read 3 times within the week and record this in their reading record.
Year 4 will have one session of PE on Tuesday and the other session will be on Monday for Beech, Thursday for Poplar and Friday for Hazel.
Swimming will be on Tuesday this term for Poplar and they will need to come in PE kit to school on this day.
Year 4 Homework will be given out on Friday and is expected be returned to school by the next Wednesday. The homework will be a maths activity, reading every day and a topic based task.
The should bring in a clearly named water bottle (water only) into school every day and that any snacks provided for our morning break are healthy such as fruit, vegetables and other approved suggestions. Please ensure that if your child brings in a bag it is labelled clearly. Ensure that all your child’s uniform is named. Any lost items will be placed in our lost property bin at the front entrance to the school. Please check your child’s book bag each day, as notes or messages from the day are often sent this way. We also ask that you check your Arbor account regularly for any whole school communication.
If you have any questions, please talk to either your child’s class teacher or contact the school office.
Useful websites for Year 4