Pastoral Support

Mrs Senogles is Orchard’s Pastoral Lead. She is here to support our children and their families through any difficult times they may be experiencing. Mrs Senogles can offer both 1:1 support and group support for your children to help deal with issues such as self-esteem, anger management or support with friendships or social skills.

Mrs Senogles is also here to support you, as parents, if you are struggling with any aspects of family life or are going through difficult circumstances. Mrs Senogles has access to different services that may be available for you and your family. If at any time you think of anything that your family or your child need support with, or you just need to chat about something – no matter how big or small – please come in and ask to speak to her.


If your child is off from school due to illness, please phone the school as soon as possible to inform us. A message can be left on our absence line by calling the school on 01908 735882 and selecting option 1.

If you require your child to be absent for any period of time, other than illness, please come into reception and complete a ‘Leave of absence request form’. If you have any queries regarding your child’s attendance, please phone or drop into reception to make an appointment to speak with Mrs Senogles.

SEND Support

Mrs Clarke is Orchard and Shepherdswell’s SENDCO. She is here to guide our children and their families in both identifying and supporting any special educational needs that children may have.

Mrs Clarke oversees the SEND strategy at both schools and is here to support teachers and support staff in identifying early needs in children that need to be explored. She can offer guidance to families regarding the SEND process, can liaise with the county SEND team, and has a range of professional contacts to ensure early identification, assessment and support is offered to children and families.

Mrs Clarke can provide time to meet with families to create action plans and signpost to external professionals. She can also direct and guide school staff in ensuring the right interventions and resources are provided for children with additional needs.

If at any time you think of anything that your family or your child need support with, or you just need to chat about something – no matter how big or small – please come in and ask to speak to her. Mrs Clarke works across both schools on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday.


Get in Touch

To get in touch with Orchard Academy please click on the link below, or call us on 01908 735882

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