Welcome to Year 3

We are so excited to welcome you to Year 3! Our Year 3 classes are:

  • Yew class with Mrs Obhi
  • Elm class with Mrs Hampson
  • Maple class with Miss Greene

The Curriculum 

Each term we have a topic or theme that we focus our learning around. This term the topic is Mountains and Volcanoes.

We also study a range of books and genres to extend the children’s knowledge and vocabulary. During the year we will have visitors in and visits out of school that enhance and broaden the children’s learning and interests. We will also have opportunities for parents to attend assemblies, workshops, events, and parents’ evenings.  Please see the curriculum overview documents below.   

Reading Books 

In Year 3 we have a big focus on reading. Every day, your child will be involved in a reading or phonics lesson. These lessons will include looking at sounds, reading extracts from texts and discussing these to develop their comprehension skills. Two books will be sent home each day, one based on their reading level and one reading for pleasure book. This is a great book to share together even if it is too tricky for your child to read independently. Books can be changed as soon as your child has finished it and is the responsibility of the child during morning work or their phonics or reading lesson. We ask that you read at least 3 times a week and discuss the book with your child as this supports their fluency, oracy and comprehension skills.


Year 3 will have PE twice a week.

Yew: Tuesday and Friday

Elm: Monday and Tuesday

Maple: Thursday and Friday

Please ensure your child is wearing the appropriate uniform and footwear to school and are not wearing any jewellery, specifically earrings. All long hair should be tied back.


Year 3 Homework will be given out on Fridays and then expected to be handed in on a Wednesday. It will consist of reading, times table practice and an activity based around our topic each term.  It is expected that the children complete their homework with the support of an adult where required. The work should be completed in pencil and with the same level of pride they display in their school books.


Please ensure that your child has their named book bag and named water bottle (water only) in school every day and that your child’s uniform is also named.   Please check your child’s book bag each day, as notes or messages from the day are often sent this way. We also ask that you check your Arbor account regularly for any whole school communication. 

If you have any questions, please talk to either your child’s class teacher or the school office. 

Useful links


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