Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are all at home safe and well! It has been very strange not having everyone in school this week and we are missing the children already. I am just writing to reassure you that whilst students may not be physically in school during this time, we continue to have a duty of care with regards to keeping children safe and student welfare.
I know that these are perhaps stressful times for all and many people may be experiencing increased levels of anxieties, isolation, financial concerns, conflict within the home, shortage of access to food etc. These are just a few of the things that may be impacting on your families but there may be more. There are many things that school can do to support you if you are struggling in any area. If you feel you need support at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us on the emergency safeguarding number below. Any request for support will be treated as confidential, as always, and only our Designated Safeguarding Leads will be aware of your personal situation and/or organise any support needed.
As a family you may receive regular in-touch visits from school staff. A Designated Safeguarding Lead will try to contact each vulnerable family every few days to check in with how you are doing. Should we not be able to make contact, we may feel it necessary to make a home visit if we have any concerns regarding well-being or welfare. These will be from a distance, i.e. from a doorstep or through a window, and staff will not be expected to enter a household. This will of course only apply to students who aren’t attending school at this time.
With regards to any scheduled meetings due to be held with social workers and school, where possible these will be held via teleconference or where practicable be postponed.
If any parents have immediate concerns for the safety and/or wellbeing of their children or families they should contact 999. For other concerns parents should contact our emergency safeguarding phone or the local Multi-Agency Support Hub (MASH):
Orchard Academy Emergency safeguarding phone: 07500 559239
Milton Keynes MASH: 01908 253169 / 01908 253170 (9am-5pm) or 01908265545 (out of hours duty line)
My best wishes to you all. Stay safe,
Mrs. S. James
Safeguarding and Inclusion Lead